I really hate that cards dont have the same defense as they do offense. A 🔥in 1700+ monster can get flipped on its 🔥 and ran over by and 1 star monster, let alone this game is riddled with e-cons so every 🔥in monster with a low defense is straight ass. Sergeant electro cool great effect 1600 attk meh def???? Hell no what is the point of a card having a great effect if its biggest weakness is exposed by a card that eeeeeeeeverybody 🔥ing has
So your pt? Kid u come here rant coz electro got low def or complain about econs? Based on your post and logic, u expect card to be perfect with high def and attack and no limitations?? U are not a very good game designer kid.
Lol your right im better than a game designer im the 🔥ing consumer you moron. Making a card have the same attack as its defense and vice versa depending on what its supposed to be more powerful in does not mean it doesnt have limitatations, if it has a high defense and low attack then ok... fine...but if it has a high attack and low defense then its utterly terrible.
Econ lol...with econ hasn't been a meta changing card since dark paladin boy you have to be in gold or below econ is not a viable card like it used to be because of Horus and dark paladin and silent magician ....you wouldnt know be cause your no in discord or in a top tier rank gold has no really hard competitio y'all don't even run 20 card deck's look up Horus and read the whole card it
It literally negates spells altogether... Econ only runs wild in gold electro shuts down econ idiot lol but we use traps like wall of d mirror wall animpenetrake attack ...and electro stops them rto that's why us plat and above players like but dislike this card...y'all don't have Amy good cards to stop attacks othethem econ that's why electro isn't good y'all have no good cards to protect it.
Lol I'm telling younyall like to run ancient heat just wait to you see people running electro in plat I bet you get stuck in plat 1...youll see the difference between a plat and above and gold below player