why Fulfuillment of the contract can't bring bk Paladin-white dragon whe...
why Fulfuillment of the contract can't bring bk Paladin-white dragon when vanguard sent it 2 grave?
BUG/Error - when i use "vanguard of the dragon" effect to send " paladin of the white dragon" to the grave. i cant the spell effect to bring bk the ritual monster using "fulfillment of the contract".
Answer List
Most Ritual Monsters have a bit of flavour text saying either "Must first be Ritual Summoned using ..." or "Can only be Special Summoned by..." these mean either the card has to be Ritual Summoned or must be Ritual Summoned correctly first before you can say Special summon it from the grave. Also Vanguards effect states a Normal Monster, Paladin of White is an effect monster
You cannot use "Fulfillment of the Contract" to Special Summon a Ritual Monster that was discarded from the hand, or otherwise not properly Summoned.