
Which pack I should buy?

As a beginner, which pack I should buy? I see that the ultimate rising and age of discovery will be removed soon. And I'm confused. Can you please help?


Answer List

All. Spent 300EUR man, you don't have alternatives now it's too late to be F2P
Buy Ultimate Rising first.
The important meta cards are the following: Sphere Kuriboh, Twister, Order to Charge. Try to pull 2-3 of each card.
The good optional cards are the following: Wonder Balloons, Shard of Greed, Sonic Bird, 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom, Mask of the Accursed. Try to pull 1-2 of each card.
If you are very new, then do not bother with Age of Discovery packs because the cards only synergize with Mako, with the exception of Michizure, which is a nice to have. However important Ultimate Rising are more relevant in the meta and applicable in most decks.
It is assumed that you will not have enough time or gems to get all of the previously listed cards. So grind gems and buy packs 1 by 1 in the case that you pull most of the wanted cards from a box and are ready to reset the box, which is the only way to get multiple UR cards.

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT We scam you good Give us your money
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