It seems everytime I play this card, the effect was look at opponents cards? Shouldnt it suppose to destroy a Monster with 2k damage or lower when my opponent summoned one?
Answer List
{Chain Destruction} When a monster(s) with 2000 or less ATK is Summoned: Target 1 of them; destroy all cards with that name in its controller's hand and Main Deck.
The game shows the opponent's cards in the case that 3 copies of the targeted card [the targeted 1 on field and 2 dumped to grave] are not seen, meaning the opponent only has 1-2 copies in the deck at the start of the duel. This rule of checking is done to prevent cheating. Because this is an official rule in Yu-Gi-Oh!, Duel Links must have honored it and implemented it; thus, you can see your opponent's hand in certain situations.