
Why do cards like Dark Magic Attack, and Thousand Knives not work for Dark Magician Girl?

The reason I'm asking this isn't because I don't know why but more because why not? I mean other decks in Yu-Gi-Oh work like this, for instance Ritual Beasts. Because Dark Magician is stated on the cards and it's in her name fully, I don't see why we couldn't use them with her. Plus it's not like it would give the deck that much of a boost but it would allow it to play a little more competitively, maybe tier 3 or 2.5. Also a lot of the cards in the deck are expensive to achieve anyway so it's not a deck that would take over the game either. I just think I would enjoy Duel Links more if I was able to play this nostalgic deck more competitively.

Comment below if you think this is an interesting change you would like to see happen or if you think this is a bad idea, and why?


Answer List

can or cannot skilled dark magician use thousand knifes or dark magic attack
Dark magician girl is not apowerful magician like dark magician. She don't know that level of magic.
It's been that way since 2005. Duel links is a new thing, YGO isn't. Don't like it? Stop playing it.
There's a difference between "Dark Magician" and "Dark Magician monster". The former refers to the exact name, while the latter refers to any card with that part in its name.
The only way it can work for Dark Magician Girl is if they errata the card to say "monster card that has ‘Dark Magician’ in its name". But then they'd have to errata Dark Magician of Chaos and Skilled Dark Magician to say that their card names are treated like they don't have "Dark Magician" in their names, since their Japanese card names don't have "ブラック・マジシャン" in them (similar to how Summoned Skull and Axe of Despair are counted as Archfiend cards, with an errata that specifically explains that fact).

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT We scam you good Give us your money
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