
Defense deck

Looking through the cards in the shop, I see that pretty much all of the cards are high attack. But are there enough cards to build a defense deck. I prefer to play defensively. Setting cards. Damaging attackers with high defense and utilizing flip effects. If so, which packs should I get?


Answer List

First off, the person before me rattled off a bunch of ragtag cards. Though some of the cards could be useful, they'd be minimal advantage unless you chose to build the whole deck around one or two of the suggestions. The thing to keep in mind is that you need cards that compliment each other that you can also get out fast (or postpone long enough) to get the most out of your kill combo. There are ways to defend without having the enemy kill themselves by bashing into high DEF monsters. The problem with your strategy is that most cards with high DEF usually require either a tribute(s), special, or ritual summoning. That being said, most people see the big guys coming when you put them down. Instead, try looking for tricky cards that give you defensive bonuses. Cat's Ear Tribe, Swift Gaia The Fierce Knight, Sylvan Komushroomo, Yomi Ship, Amazoness Swords Woman, Magical Reflect Slime, Unhappy Girl, Tenkabito Shien...they're all different, but allow you to be sneaky. There are also a ton of spells and traps that support what you're trying to do, but the ones that apply will depend on the deck you build. I built a defense deck that focuses on controlling (destroying, locking down, or returning to owner's hand) any card that might hit the board. My deck does require a defensive mindset, it protects its monsters until it can launch an OTK. I'll attach a photo of it. The secret to the success of my deck is the traps. They keep my monsters from being attacked until I can use their effects. If you have any questions, feel free to reply, I'll try to help. You could also come play me and see how miserable it is to have me break combos on you. This deck got me to legendary. There are also a couple substitutions that can be made for traps/spells if you don't have what I do. I've been upgrading this for a long time. Good luck, pal.

try to find the pack that has wall of revealing light and defense zone i have found that normally it makes you unbeatable if you pay 6000 or 7000 life points for the wall
Dont forget to include des kangaroo in your defense deck
In terms of monsters, you'll probably need 3 Cocoon of Evolution cards which you can get from Weevil. A Giant Axe Mummy would also be a good pick up from Odion. And Big Shield Gardna is practically necessary, though may be a difficult pick up from the Card Trader.

Needle Fish would also be a very helpful card as it would reduce enemies ATK. Hane-Hane and Sphere Kurioboh would also be useful. Dark Cat With White Tail maybe be useful, but you'd probably be wise not to put too many of them in your deck. Bubonic Vermin would also help you keep your field from being cleared too easily. 4-Starred Lady Bug of Doom and Yomi Ship would be healthy additions. And Warm worm would help remove your opponent's cards, possibly decking them out in time.

The Continuous Spell Yellow Luster Shield would help buff your defenses. And Jam Breeding Machine would help you keep your field from being completely clear.

Skull Dice and Mirror Wall would be helpful traps. And Quick-Play Spell Reliable Guardian and Trap Castle Walls would help fortify your higher defense monsters if ever they were threatened with destruction. Windstorm of Equaqua and Magical Hats could be could to save some of your monsters, too.

And if you wanna do effect damage, Blast Held by a Tribute and Hinotama would be wise additions.

I'm not telling you to include all these cards in your deck. Merely giving ideas that you may wish to include.

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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