
3rd kuriboh worth up to 70 gems?

On my path to 3rd sonic bird, but just got my 2nd kuriboh with 130 packs remaining. If I reset the box I'd be able to get another kuriboh as well. Is it worth it for a up to 70 packs for a 3rd kuriboh? Btw, I'm a free 2 play player if that makes a difference.


Answer List

I despise such whale behavior.
Come on. There is no need for such perfection, needing for 3 kuribo. It do sounds like a kinda ocd. New people cannot even get 1.
with this case it's better to empty the box first. having 3 kuribohs are good however if your a F2P then obtaining all cards is the main goal than emptying your resources on the packs that sooner or later will not that efficient with the upcoming card packs.
If they put a Limited use list. I can't wait for them to put up restriction list. Limited player just using 1 sphere. Hahahaha
reset it if you want a 3rd kuriboh, it's not about f2p or p2w
just trust the heart of the cards :)
and your friends I guess? X_X
Get that 3rd Sphere Kuriboh! You always need 3 Kuriboh and 3 Mirror Walls or you could never be good in PVP. Grab it before they take the box away!
Of course F2P gets a lot of gems, and I'd say this game is rather generous with its premium currency than few games I played before. But the box will expand faster than the gems you could possibly get if you spend them all for like, 3 Sphere Kuribohs. Maybe in future releases, those cards you are trying so hard to get with your limited resource will become irrelevant. And then these kind of f2p will complain that this game is p2w only. What the actual hell.
If you are not planning to play this game for a long time, by all means, spend all your gems in such a manner. But hey, it's your gems, so do whatever you like with them.
actually, as a f2p player there are get quite a few gems. didn't think so at first, but realized they give a lot of bonus gems, especially for dueling level 40. I've opened 469 packs and only harvested about 50% of the gems from leveling up characters.
Resetting box is not what f2p players supposed to do. Get a copy of each key cards that you want and abandon that box. 2 Sphere Kuriboh is luxurious enough for f2p. You can always use econs if you think 2 is not enough. Never dream of building expensive decks when you can't afford it. There are plenty of decks which are cheap and successful, and the key of being a successful f2p player is being selective in spending gems.

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT We scam you good Give us your money
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