
I'm not getting drop skills?

Okay so the past week or longer I have been dueling legendary duelists at level 40 and winning several times, yet no matter how much I fight them and win I still don't get any drop skills, not a single one.

The characters I am using still have drop skills they can obtain (including trying this with Bakura since he is new and I don't have drop skills for him at all yet)but all I get is x1 and x10 gem rewards in addition to the other standard rewards like gold and cards.

Anyone know why this is? Am I just severely unlucky or is my game bugged? Or I'm missing some crucial thing I need to do?


Answer List

only skills i've gotten for Aikza are her lvl up skills. she is maxed out. use her in ranked duels and vs her at gate. only her level up skills no drops!!!!!
Well, atleast some of you are getting 'some' skills. I've farmed for days against Yami, Odion, and Mokuba with an elements unite deck over 8k every time. Not one skill. I did notice atleast with Yami and Odion you can get decent card rewards, but Mokuba's terrible. Two days straight of this and it gave me 1 SR, everything else rare or coins. WTH?? They do really need to tweak the system in this game...
nooblings go to rank duels you can farm drop skills there easier i got 6 skills earlier for my bandit keith you idiots
Yeah, Duel Links's RNG is kind of bulls**t. This seriously needs fixing ASAP!!!!! I'm tired of facing duelists that get the good skills and rub it in my face.
The same for me, i farm with cerberus or cuchulain. Even I get arroung 7-8k duel points,i get none SR or UR, just few gems and money... This is so strange...
I recommend to continue farming. it happens to all players.
I think you are just unlucky m8. I've gotten a handfull of skills with Rex just by playing him, no farming needed. Eventually your skills will drop
Anyone know if Yami Bakura drops skills? I have never gotten any from Bakura lvl 40.
Trying to get Rex's titan showdown. Doing LD since a few days ago, my Rex went from lvl 10 to lvl 30, still no titan showdown. Got like other 7 skill drops.
It is the same here, trying to get draw sense:light and I couldnt even pull 1 out

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