
Heraldic Beast: deck recipe [June 2]

Heraldic is supposed to be anti-xyz deck. Yet meklord which is has similar purpose, still lack of support in this game despite synchro released first. Also RIP ritual, synchro, xyz when Arc-V world is released (predaplant support)
5 months ago u were all like : "RIP fusion and synchro when XYZ gets released"
, here u hv ur prediction in the water. Fusion and Synchro will never die because they are the most important mechanics of the game itself.
IMO Synchro is stronger than XYZ, because:
1. XYZ usually needs to detach its material to activate is effects or dependent to the number of its materials.
2. Synchro materials go to graveyard. They can be useful resources compared to XYZ materials, which stay in limbo.
<< Anonymous(Cannotdstart)
And XYZ monster is not recycle friendly,
what i mean is xyz monsters use rank instead of levels, which mean not only they hold the materials, they also cannot be used for synchro or any mechanic that require levels.
<< Anonymous
If we get pendulums, this may change.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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