
Unhappy girl

How the unhappy girl farming deck works???


Answer List

It works because cpu AI will not attack unhappy girl in order to not get locked, so unhappy girl is just used to stall the duel so you can keep drawing cards until you have no cards left, then use whatever method to deal more than 10k damage.
P.S, I should also mention this deck works for Yugi and his Yami ability if you're very careful. He runs Spellcasters and Fiends, and his effect boosts both of their attacks. Unhappy Girl is a Spellcaster, but a lot of the other cards in my build are either fairy, or misc creatures/cards. Once you feel comfortable with the build, feel free to tweak it!

- Accidental Fairy Adept
The main combo should be:
Unhappy girl x2
Dreamsprite x2
Royal Knight (Card trader card) x2
Simorgh, Bird of Divinity x1
Azura Priest x1 (If you have it. It is an ultra.)

Additionally, for a more fleshed out deck, the rest of MY version is as follows.

Sonic Shooter x2
White Magician Pikeru x2 (1200 attack, plus 400 point life gain per monster on your side of the field)
Whiptail Crow x2 (1650 attack beater)

Spells and traps (specifically for competitive, this is more based on preference)

Shard of Greed x1 (But you can use 2 if you have it)
De-spell x2
Rising energy x1 (AT LEAST)
Spell Reclamation x2 (Used to pull either shard of greed, your x1 rising energy, or your de-spell in competitive)

I have probably made people cry with this deck before because they didn't read my card effects closely. In order to use this deck in an ideal setting, use Tea Gardener with Holy Guard equipped, and pay close attention to what your monsters can do for you.

- An Accidental Fairy Adept

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