
New cards and update

Ld and common duelists in duel world have cards we cannot you can add some new cards...there are so many little cards for each type..vorse raider... joey iron much cards from real series that cant be achieved or not added...


Answer List

I forgot my konami id
They are not affliated with Konami. They are just a news/fan site dedicated to connect with the community and making content.

Question List

Prismatic Cards

Okay so here the thing,I have never got a Prismatic card from no drops on SDs or LDs which makes...

What are all the missions for stage 3

I am stuck on stage 3 even doe I have beaten Joey at the gate 5 times.

what constitutes a 'draw'

I was versing the vagabond and was one turn away from unleashing meteor b dragon with 2 cards lef...

Simorgh, Bird of Divinity is bugged?

The card description says that once tribute summoned, each player takes 1000 damage at the end of...

"Balance" skill with 3 Cerbereus cards

Is it guaranteed to have one Cerberus in your starting hand when you have 3 Cerberus' in you...

Store is currently unavailable/unable to purchase pack

Dose anyone experienced the same issue as mine? I am hoping they will fix it before the spring sa...

Serious balancing issues

There needs to be some kind of penalty for using multiple continuous cards, because that's a...

Will the event with Yami Bakura come back?

I wanted to unlock Yami Bakura so bad, but didn't have enough time. So my question is, if th...

The website design is down

Hello, on the phone browser, the design works fine but on a computet, it is down. No CSS is work...

Can you get skill drops from farming Yami Bakura at the gate?

I have done many battles with Yami Bakura level 30/40 with 4000 or 5000 points but never ever get...


Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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