
Serious balancing issues

There needs to be some kind of penalty for using multiple continuous cards, because that's all people do now. They hide behind the cards that lower your attack just so they can summon their ultimate card. There's no skill anymore...


Answer List

"Lol you totally missed the point dude, and this game is mostly based on skill. You are supposed to win by out classing your opponent..." I thought his suggest about twister or wild tornado is good. 'based on skill', to solve opponent strategy. Only use you monster to head with opp monster by attack is not skill. I admire one who support weak monster with S/T more than one with only 4* high attack to headbutt only
"Lol n00b. Kill yourself."

if degenrates like you killed themselves the world would bea better place.

"to fall for the same thing over and over while already knowing that sounds even worse... put some twister or wild tornado then, cuz i barely see people run pumpkin or balloon that much other than in gold or silver ranks."

Lol you totally missed the point dude, and this game is mostly based on skill. You are supposed to win by out classing your opponent not constantly breaking thru 10 traps just to be able to battle it out to see who have the best cards.
wow i though i was the only one that thought that, but i ive actually beat a few people who do this crap. It makes the game unfun, and there is no skill is what these losers do.
Lol n00b. Kill yourself.
to fall for the same thing over and over while already knowing that sounds even worse... put some twister or wild tornado then, cuz i barely see people run pumpkin or balloon that much other than in gold or silver ranks.

Question List

Will the event with Yami Bakura come back?

I wanted to unlock Yami Bakura so bad, but didn't have enough time. So my question is, if th...

The website design is down

Hello, on the phone browser, the design works fine but on a computet, it is down. No CSS is work...

Can you get skill drops from farming Yami Bakura at the gate?

I have done many battles with Yami Bakura level 30/40 with 4000 or 5000 points but never ever get...

Is this deck good?

I wanted to create a Spirit deck and so I did. What I'm truly wondering is if it would work ...

Best way to inflict 1500 effect damage

I'm looking for a suggestion for the best way to inflict 1500 effect damage in a single hit....

Destiny Draw question

Are there any pre-requisites to drop the skill Destiny Draw with Yugi? Like level?

Some Packs taked off???

Today I logged in and I discovered that some packs like Ultimate Rising were not able to buy, the...

Is the "Toon World" skill dropable?

I missed the Pegasus event :(

So what happened to Card Packs in Shop?

I was going to buy some Ultimate Rising packs for Summoner of Illusions, but for some reason it&#...

Do you agree it's rigged?

Here's my theory about statistics in the game. It's statistically SO improbable that I ...


Comments (updated every hour)

Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT We scam you good Give us your money
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