Do you convert cards you actually don't use, or you keep them?
Also, what do you do with budge cards that came with the duelist?
I'm new in Yugi's game, so I don't know if I would need them for the future or not?
Answer List
I had always thought you converted the coins for cards but I searched it up just to check
wew lad
you'll get nice rewards if you convert your cards
How to cancel the convertion
I've converted several base cards from each duelist for some gems before. Typically speaking, they're there to just fill space, unless they are used in specific fusions.
It's always good to keep a playset of cards you may not find useful at first. Never know when they might come in handy. You can always search any specific card on here and look at it's rating and what people are saying about it, and make a judgment from what you find there.
I keep 3 of every card. That's the max you can put in a deck.
Keep your SR at stage 40+ you'll need them to advance