They must of reset too soon. If one is going to spend money wouldn't it make sense to just buy out the box for essentials one Time at least and then work the rest thereafter.
" Anonymous 1days ago close reply
The boxes are rigged ding dong. Those who have spent real $ on this game gets better drop rates. It's how business works!"
they're rigged even if you spend money.
Wanna get lucky with those 3x packs + guaranteed SR?? deals?? Not a chance. The free SR card you get is always a crappy one.
" Anoymous 9days ago
The boxes are rigged ding dong. Those who have spent real $ on this game gets better drop rates. It's how business works!"
No they don't you 🔥head. Of course you wouldn't know since you never spent a cent and just assume. It's just as "rigged" even if you pay. Don't even bother with those "guaranteed SR" ones either.. good chance you'll get the worse SRs.
It is not rigged, I actually don't care when it drops the UR, I will buy out the whole box eventually(as a free user). So it does not really matter. Also from a mini pack I got both URs and 4 SRs after the first 20 draw(1000 gems). I usually don't boxes before it is 100% optimal but I reseted that time, and totally worth it cause I got the 2nd copy of the URs very soon :D