
Top Pick-UR & SR Dream Ticket [Jan 2023]

is it worth it to spend my expiring dream tickets on swirl slime and gate dark contract?
Not KoG
The norm is that you use it with the last date released card before your ticket expires.
Unfortunately, the trend is that the URs will now be crap rares with dependency on imbalanced skill, it is advisable to stick to Swirl Slime, Malefic Paradox Gear and Masked Hero Anki and Red-Eyes Slash Dragon and Cyber Harpie Slash
You don't want to kn
Bruh i wasted my dream for some d/d now i need it to get yugi muto bruh wasted
From experience, no way! find a UR that's in a seperate box from the other cards in the deck you want, this you only spend 5 million dollars instead of ten million
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
The teaching from "Not KoG" is false teaching. I, too, in the past waited a long time to use my dream ticket, until they almost expire, because I want to get newer cards.

But as it turns out, doing that was pointless. You can test it yourself if you have several dream tickets. The one that's about to expire (which means you got it long time ago), can only be exchanged with very old cards.
<< Anonymous
With the difference that often new meta decks need some key cards from old trash boxes. Not to mention that banlists can make your invested dream ticket a waste.
My advice, always go for staples, extra deck monsters or for core theme cards that are still relevant in tcg (stratos etc).
If you are a new player, use it as soon as you can to get a good deck fast for ranked. Otherwise, wait.
I will say you can consider it after the mini box or KC GT Tournament. But may I know when is your dream tickets expire?


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