Wow! Sawatari Lvl 40 is as hard as Edo/Aster to farm. See he has 5 annoying cards: breakthrough skill, AS - fantasy magic, AA - leading lady, AS - abode of the fire dragon and mobius.
Lunalight farm can avoid breakthrough but not for vassal itself also if we destroy his set cards, you know the rest abyss actor is archetype that gains benefit if their set s/t got destroyed. I tried gravekeeper's farm but fantasy script get rid of my fusion to extra deck despite I'm not worried about mobius since it cannot destroy my field if I control the fusion. I think dark magician farm is the best. Because you have so many negate in dark cavalry and magician navigation. Lots of his s/t do target before it resolves. Also dm circle banish, so the effect of his s/t won't be triggered. I haven't try farm Sawatari with this but it's consistent against espa roba.
GK Vassal
Secret pass to treasure
Union attack x2
Dark magician x3
Magician's rod
Dark magical circle 2-3x
Magician's navigation x2
Eye of timaeus
Magician of dark illusion
Chocolate magician girl.
The rest can be anything to disrupt Sawatari monster like canadia, book of moon, floodgate th
Keep destroying his monster so he can't tribute summon mobius to destroy your circle.
A bit expensive deck but hope this help.
Wait-- PvP? Farm Sawatari in ranked/casual duel? What do you mean? There's Sawatari for sure but it's real player just like us not the one using pure abyss actor deck and drop rewards is different, you know.