
Arkbrave Dragon: deck recipe

Some update for this?
Arkbrave isn't going to be relevant until we get better dragons and/or an easier way to special summon Arkbrave itself from the graveyard to non targeted banish faceups (namely Onslaught and SSA).

The best builds use 3 x White Night Dragon 3 x Arkbrave in conjunction with Grass is Greener and Needlebug Nests to mill for special summons.
D-master X
You can try using the mokuba reward card "ruins of the divine dragons" with the paladins, can make a 1 turn dragon and the eff negation is good agains most meta decks. While arkbrave itself is good agains some decks like amazoness and fa because of the backrow removal
A pretty good version of a Grass is Greener/Needlebug Nest Arkbrave deck I saw the other day combined with Lightsworn (Lyla for mill and removal, Wulf who special summons when milled). Also had 3 White Night Dragon, 3 Arkbrave and 3 Canadias, along with Paladin and Ruins as mentioned above. It was very consistent at getting 2100+ monsters out each turn. Kaiba levels of expensive though.
<< Anonymous
Dis deck wont shine until they released " Divine dragon lord felgrand", as that card was the original bos monster for felgrand series
<< Anonymous(nsside15)
they're probably waiting till xyz comes out, since it mentions rank on the card
<< Anonymous(nsside15)
Actually, that was an upgraded remake of the original Felgrand Dragon.
<< Anonymous(nsside15)
Lots of archetypes will become way stronger when Zexal is released, so excited !


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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