
Elements Unite to farm LDs: deck recipe

Robin Lionheart
Using three Cybernetic Fusion Supports I farmed from the Zane event has been an effective way to reduce the Brothers' LP from 500 to 62 for some extra DA.
Can u show us your dexk
<< Anonymous
Robin Lionheart
Yes, yes of course!
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart
3x Mythical Beast Cerberus (Trader)
1x Gravekeeper's Recruiter (beat Odion)
1x Gravekeeper's Vassal (Ishtar lv3)
3x Cybernetic Fusion Support (from Zane event)
1x Union Attack
1x Shard of Greed
3x Wonder Wand (Trader)
3x Magical Mallet (Trader)
2x Pot of Benevolence (WotS N)
1x Secret Pass to the Treasures (UR N)
1x Jar of Greed (Pegasus lv16)

Draw cards with Wands on spare Cerbs & Recruiter.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart
Against Tea I swap in 2 Remove Traps for the Shard of Greed and a Mallet.

If you don't have Benevolence, more Shards/Jars of Greed are fine.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart
If I end up with extra Benevolence at the end, I just grab back two Wonder Wands to give the Vassal an extra 1000 attack, though Cerberus will be big enough by then that she won't need it.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart
After farming more:

3x Gravekeeper's Recruiter
1x Gravekeeper's Vassal
1x Secret Pass to the Treasures
2x Union Attack
1x Etoile Cyber
1x Blade Skater
1x Polymerization
3x Cybernetic Fusion Support
1x Shard of Greed
3x Wonder Wand
1x Magical Mallet
1x Pot of Benevolence

Fuse Cyber Blader at end (disabling spells/traps), double-Union Vassal for 12400 effect damage.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Robin Lionheart
I'm looking to farm the Paradox Bros now to replace Etoile Cyber/Blade Skater/Cyber Blader with Giga-Tech Wolf/Labyrinth Tank/fusion-substitute, so I can just use the Cybernetic Fusion Supports instead of Polymerization.
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Cybernetic Fusion Support doesn't actually Fusion Summon anything itself. You still need Polymerization (or equivalent). It just lets you use materials from more places for that Fusion Summon.
<< Anonymous
Robin Lionheart
Aha. Might still make the deck a hair faster to have the option to pull the wolf out sooner.


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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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