
Hero Flash!! (Skill)

If only there wasn't a "4 normal hero" requirement. Would've abused this so hard with Naturia Landoise.
It's worse, it's 4 normal heroes with different names.
Abusing a skill in unintended ways is exactly why Konami slapped the restriction on the skill lol
Its a very logical requirement. Activating hero flash at 10th turn lets you summon a normal hero from your deck. It would be nice if there still were normal hero monsters in your deck at that moment. Very easy requirement to meet.
<< Anonymous
Pot of Benevolence
<< Anonymous
What could be worse than 4 normal heroes with different names? There is only 5 of them and 2 of them are level 3. Neos is not level 4 but it's still usable with Neos Fusion.
<< Anonymous
By the time of your 10th turn, you probably are going to have all normal Hero monsters in your hand...if the duel isn't already over. I don't mind the restrictions, but hope they at least lower the 4 Normal hero monsters requirement to 3.


Comments (updated every hour)

Never mind just tested it out myself and it is after the attack reduction.
I feel sorry for people who didn't log in during this collab's period, because this wil...
Finally, Spectre is coming to DL
I wish they release the Sky Striker art version of this card in DL...
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