Can't wait until this archtype dies down kinda sad how most players won't accept how bs and clutch sylvans can be. Sure you can counter them with cards, but you're screwed over if you don't draw them first. Personally if Kumushroomo was limited to 1 it'd be fine.
I doubt that they will ever limit SR/UR cards that are not free/farmable. They have plenty of opportunity to limit them, but they never did. I guess they don't want to piss off people who spent tons of money to collect multiple of the same SR/UR card from a box.
Or it could be because, with the possible exception of Sea Stealth Attack (which probably isn't worthy of hitting now anyway) there hasn't been anything that needed it that came from a pack.
Semi-Limiting both Marshalleaf and Hermitree is a good option too. It means Konami can keep SR cards unlimited and Sylvans are the only deck to be hit.
1. (2 Marshalleaf/0 Hermitree) Sylvans lose their 2700 beater/draw power/deck organiser.
2. (0 Marshalleaf/2 Hermitree) Sylvans lose their monster removal.
3. They only have 1 of each card.
remember back when Konamoney linmited Champions Vigilance because it was to strong with blue eyes kaibaman deck and also when it limited red-eyes revive?
yea.... sylvans surely aren't a problem.... lets not limit them....