Let me guess, you've probably played this game 1 or 2 months and are 🔥 you're unable to create decks like this. Get real. Put in effort if you want decks like this, stop PvPing and autoduel SDs. It isn't pay to win at all.
You're so damn stupid it is p2w. It clearly is, and thats coming from someone who has been playing this games for months and has already got most of the free gems.
I have 991 packs opened, enough to get senju/kuriboh/sonic 5 times over (and that's a generous estimate), and haven't spent a dime on this game.
You literally have no argument here.
You're just bad/too lazy to farm and are trying to pawn your losses off saying they 'must've paid' for their win when they actually just grinded harder than you.
Get real for a minute scrublords. If you want Sonic Bird, Senju, and Kuriboh. Then you need to focus those boxes. Instead of spreading them around all the others hoping youll get a specific UR or SR card. Thats a fools errand, use your head and think. What serves the highest priority to you? Focus on that.
I agree. Buying 1 box of every card set that comes out isn't always the best move. Decide on what kind of a player u are ie beatdown, ritual, tribute. Then scope out the best cards for that play style and you be able to build alot more successful decks that way then just buying random cards and trying to copy what's popular. Unless of course u want to pay tons of cash.
I spent most of my free gems on as a f2p player on a garlandolf deck and I'll tell u the more special summoning that they keep coming out with the easier it is for garlandolf to wipe a person's entire hand and win. Im absolutely demolishing all the red eyes b decks with him.
Oh Yeah... Tell me how you get 3x silent magicien Or 3x Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon with only Gems... Since we can't get the same card as free player and it influence the gameplay IT IS pay to win.