
Starlight Road | Decks and Tips

So its an anti TTH, anti Yubel (Form 2), anti Batteryman boss-monster (Batteryman decks are showing up a bit more), and a few other more rogue decks get gimmick-countered by this card. Interesting, maybe worth running at 1 depending on the situation with the meta after the next few events.
There is nothing wrong with yubel. We need it to counter those cheapass decks like heroes and vams, and also troll decks lke burn. These decks mentioned are so much more rogue.
<< Anonymous(PREACH)
This is just a game meant for fun. Why are there so many angry comments like this?
<< Anonymous
I'm not angry. Lol Just hate all of the copycats and noobs that done use any type of real strategy.
<< Anonymous(PREACH)
Noobs like you, that also copycat a yubel deck?
Stop being a 🔥, 99% of players copy decks made by 1%.
<< Anonymous
Even if heroes go tier 5 we will enver hear the end of it will we X'D ffs the deck aint even tier 1 anymore lol


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Why are you gae?
Party on my yacht tomorrow. No poor people allowed. Suck it, losers!
I do. And I have an IQ of -160 V
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