Honestly dude, how much money did you spend ont his game to get 3 copies of Kuriboh, 3 or Senju and 3 or Sonic Bird. It aint even funny to see how sad this is.
Pretty unbelievable to get 3 UR from a pack and 6 UR from another resetting at least 3 times without spending a dime... I mean, c'mon. There's nothing bad in putting money on a game, I don't really know why is so hard to admit. I myself spent money on the game and couldn't care less. Suggestion: 3 relinquished is too many, try to run 2 and run something to remove set spells/traps.
i am thinking about paying to but some packs just because i'm so far behind card-wise.
if you payed to get this dace how much did you had to pay in order to achieve this deck/
All you gotta do is grind the character lvls, 72 duels at x3 rewards gets you to lvl 25 which gives about 500 gems, its long to do but very much doable