The only thing I did not like about this KC Cup was that I had to duel about fifty billion Dr. Crowlers. What is the deal? It's like half (or maybe more) of the dueling community is playing as him. I hope this is just a fad, because I am sick of dueling this butt-ugly LD. Where is the variety? I did not see even ONE Yami Bakura or Yami Marik in this tournament. Crowler is stealing the spotlight from all of the hot LDs. Well, except Pegasus, that is.
You forgot to mention the twin baldies with their Ninjas. So Crowler, Pegasus, Parabros are the characters we see....wait, Weevil and Yami Yugi somewhere too, hoping for a chance..yep that's about it, coz Komaney says screw variety.
Oh, crap! Don't remind me about Baldy Bros.! I dueled them like, 8 times today! One was even the same duelist twice in row. It doesn't matter if it's ranked or casual, these guys are also everywhere.