Bug in rainbow overdragon’s second effect. It’s not working
Bug with Pegasus not unlocking after doing the requirement of doing 2 counter trap cards. I should have him already. Fix this. Bug with D Fortune not activating during attack. Only can do it once in 1000 duels it feels like.
trap activated when i have jinzo on board why????
I have somehow lost junk synchron + stardust dragon
Many times when i had champion’s vigilance down when a trap card is activate i can’t negate that activation . And also when its my turn to attack i can’t attack i had to end my turn and yes i didn’t go first.
En ocaciones no puedo atacar con algún mostró en mi Facebook de batalla y no tiene q ver con efecto alguno de cartas puesto q no me pasó 1 ves sino q ya van siendo varias las oportunidades en las q pierdo duelos por no poder seleccionar un objetivo para atacar
Bug in effect Bujin Mikazuchi, cant summon if bujin beast-warrior destroyed facedown