
Hard Stage 55 Mission

So I am having trouble figuring out, how to beat this Mission for Stage 55: "Inflict 1500 points of effect damage with a single effect activation in a Duel against Seto Kaiba at level 40 using Yami Yugi."
The only card I can think of RN being capable of doing that much effect damage is Restructer Revolutio, but I would need to lock him down and draw a lot of cards in order to use the effect correctly, which might get kinda hard, bcs I need to duel as Yugi against Kaiba, beeing the hardest Botdeck.
Also, would Vasall + Union Attack work? Is attacking with Vassal considered inflicting damage by effect activation, does anyone know the exact ruling here?
Any suggestions would be nice!


Answer List

Vassal works if u use "power of guardians" since guardians starts a chain and the damage will be effect damage.

Krystal Avatar is also a possible option by buffing enemy's monster and keep healing n sustain up with aroma then let it one shot u n bounce back with damage
Vassal man! Don´t be fooled
use flameviel dragon and make sure u destroy a level 8 star monster, flameviels effect is great for this mission.....effect, inflicts the amount of stars x200 ;)
search YOUTUBE for 'stage 55 mission'. I've got a video up for it, dozens of people have videos on it. definitely use vassal. vassal, riryoku, anything big will do it for you. or try your idea vassal, union attack
You can use Vassal don't listen to this guy,I have finished that mission yesterday,you need to inflict 1500 damage in one activation so when you inflict 1500 with Vassal's attack that's it.Us sorcery conduit,yugi's skilly to draw Vassal when you get 1800+ damage ,use riryoku or gift of the martyr to transfer attack points from other monsters to Vassal.I have done it after 5-6 turns,just inflict damage and you don't need to win.Hope this helps
Vassal's effect doesn't actually activate, it's continuous, like Jinzo's.

- You can use Flame Spirit Ignis, but you'd need 15 fire monsters in your grave.
- You can also bate him into Trojan Blast if he uses econ to take a monster with 1500 or more attack.

I'm sure there are other ways, can't think of em right now though.

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