Early game Yami Yugi or Kaiba are the best choice but as you go on you will be able to build decks with other characters. At that point every character is the best if you build a deck arround their specialty
Hi, i play since 8 days and i have play Joey (dor start) and i rush silver 4 with 2 loses (water deck and LP Boost) and now i am playing mako tsunami (use it with the skill for umi) and i am actually gold 1, 7 win, 0 loses. I have see many yugi and kaiba, but ithink that it's not that good.
Sorry for my bad english.
Sorry i was the one who wrote the comment below I didn't know joeys skill (grit) only worked in situations were you could lose the for egxample when you have 1000 lp and dark magician is going to kill you turn grit means your health won't go below 1 so because of that I would yami Yugi is best
I think if your lucky joey's second skill grit is really good only take 1 damage till the end of opponents end phase you could use every pay lp card as you wanted
you will get rest of the character at the end, so it isn't matter. depends on which one you want to play
If you use a deck that only has 1 purpose, Mako and Kaiba got the upper hand
But if you use all rounded deck, Yami Yugi still has his ability from the anime Destiny Draw, freely choose 1 card in hard situation can change the tide
With the release of Age of Discovery, Mako and Kaiba are in the running for best.
Yugi for me, because his starter deck is already build around dark type monster and his first skill is great for adding ATK for your monster
Kaiba or Yugi, they both have field spell skills that can buff your monsters to be to powerful for your opponent to deal with