
Which character is the best to use?


Answer List

Basically with yami bakura u either beat him in 5 turns or loose because op destiny board
Eh in my personal opinion Pegasus mind scan mixed with 2 Solemn Wishes is quite OP. If you didn't get the event then I usually stick with Draw Sense: Low Level with Weevil.
Joey. Last Gamble is too good
Obviously yami bakura he has the best skills :^)
Well I have a luck base deck so I use joey. Depends on your deck really
Pegasus, with toon world
70% of the meta decks require the first or 2nd skill of a character to work.

If you want to level up a character start with the important ones

Keith (lv25) for metalmorph
Mai (lv25) for Windstorm (and Draw Sense: Wind)
Yugi (lv18)/Weavil (lv9) for Sorcery Conduit/Draw Sense: Low level for Cerberus Farming

The Current Meta Decks for the most part only require the first skill of said character (Rex,Mako,Yugi) The exceptions are Weavil (lv20) (Parasite Burn Deck), and Mai (Drop) (Relinquished + Hunting Ground)
Yami Yugi
Every character has their own advantages against others.
If you go meta, mako, rex, yugi and pegasus have their oen skill that supports the meta deck. Out of those, I think mako is the best

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DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
Equip junk barrage to this card and it has a 90% chance of an otk.
Perfect counter against Gouki
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