There's no reason to hate fur hires. Using fur hires to counter fur hires is not gonna solve the problem. The problem lies ONLY ON A BUNCH of player using this deck
The game's gonna more fun if the decks are heterogene enough, besides komoney wants to promote deck diversity as well
There's no reason to hate fur hires. Using fur hires to counter fur hires is not gonna solve the problem. The problem lies ONLY ON A BUNCH of player using this deck
The game's gonna more fun if the decks are heterogene enough, besides komoney wants to promote deck diversity as well
just make a fur hire deck instead of whining, or learn how to combat one.
Il deck pelliccia mercenaria è troppo forte non lascia spazio agli altri deck deve essere nerfato perche rischia di far diventare noioso il gioco perchè per vincere o giochi quel deck o perdi il 90% dei game
You are traaaaaaaash
Why would they nerf the content of a box that's not even released?
This way they release an OP box, meta gets broken but KONAMI makes a load of money of every single player with cash buying the box out 3x ASAP, and ONLY THEN do they nerf it and release a new box (or even only months later).
after amazoness, spellbooks and masked heros
they should have done thier work and nerfed things before release.