
Shoud the banlist affect only the PvP?

It does not hurt anyone to use broken cards in PvE, with the the banlist growing the Farm decks até suffering and people would feeling less cheated if they could at least use all of their cards in the PvE.


Answer List

yes yes yes yes yes and yes
I think friend duels having a no banlist option would be nice
I think Konami is afraid to because it would make farming too easy.
I think it should only affect PvP but not friend duels. Maybe an option in friend duels that lets you decide what banlist to use it even if you want to use one
"It does not hurt anyone to use broken cards in PvE"
I agree. A long time ago, I suggested the same thing with regards to skills also.
For example.. the first time 3SD got nerfed to costing you 3,000 lp instead of 2,000. I asked konami to leave it for PVE so that it's still 2,000 lp only as it's no harm there. But asshole konami ignored that request.
I want to have fun using the cards that i like, the PvE should not be just something boreing that you do just to get cards to use in the PvP. I rarely play PvP.
I just want my cards to be useful, and I feel that the player should be free to explore different options. I see the current situation as limitating, i want more options and for me they are not exceptions, the PvP should not interfer in the PvE, PvE deserves to be treated better, some people do not use it just to grind.
But i want to use my broken decks again and the game is already very inconsistent.
I see no reason for it to not apply for PvE. It's not like it actively hurts grinding much, particularly given the large (and ever-increasing) number of potential farm decks, and I feel like consistency makes the game look better as a whole than arbitrarily making exceptions.
I always tell that to Konami in the surveys.

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