
Deep link replays and PC Steam

Ok. So I know that you can only view the deep link replays that people post the links for if you have the duel links app on your phone. But if I have duel links on PC, can other people still view the replays I post with the links as long as they have the app on their phones? Or are they not viewable no matter what as long as they have anything to do with the PC version? Also, do you have to paste the link onto a site to make it viewable for the replays, or can you just manually type in the URL address? And do your replays still have to be stored in the Duel Replays to make them viewable on the link?Please help. I cannot find any detailed instructions about the rules of this deep link thing and I'm afraid that someone will just say that they couldn't see anything if I post a link.


Answer List

Whoa! Line breaks, man!

Whatever you save as replay in PC version is the same as mobile version, as PC version is just a port of the mobile version. DLPC links work with mobile devices as long as Duel Links is in the target device.

It's the same typing the url as linking it or anything else.

The moment you delete it, it's deleted, as it's not recorded, but it's an actual re-play with bots with fixed steps.

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With all the caution I took to avoid mishaps with my online security ,especially in the crypto wo...
Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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