
Connection failed ?


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I happened to me 4 time in a row, when i tried to draw a card or use destiny draw. The game crashes and i lose. Honestly from now on i advice all my friends to go free to play because it's not worth it...
Oi indonesia
I think Konami forces these losses on people to piss them off to buy card packs. At Gold rank, I ALWAYS receive connection failed losses one right after another until I drop to silver. Then mysteriously, my connection is fine again. Konami cheats.
It's definitely the opponent either exploiting or rage quitting. I was in a duel using my Gate Guardian deck and my opponent lost LP due to my monster's 1600 DEF and the effects of Castle Walls and Reliable Guardian. I still had 4000 LP when I got a connection error and got a loss as a result even though I'm sitting right next to my internet router. All I was doing was stalling out until I could draw one of the Gate Guardian pieces since he managed to destroy my Sanga by card effect. (For the record, my Gate Guardian deck is built specifically to stall and to surprise my opponent with two copies of each Gate piece. Because getting them to think that they destroyed my shots of summoning GG is my plan to catch them off guard.)
Maybe the person who keeps blaming the player and their WiFi is a complete f*king idiot. This is a quarantined hack, or exploit to the game. It happens too conveniently and then miraculously your connection is back. I also always have it when the players names are in korean. Or that primarily symbol name set up. Not to mention the cards I draw every time this happens are conveniently way incompatible. I had several solid streaks no connection errors.... then all of a sudden 10 fights in a row, similar names with characters and unable to get a card set to play. And when I did get cards that worked together their effects never worked correctly and then magically.... connection lost right before I'm about to get pounded. I do communications for a living and I know outside intervention when I see it. A bad streak is one thing, but the same set of circumstances every time and a hot streak of losses due to connection errors from similar named players...? Get a clue and get your head out of your @$$. I'll admit when I lose and I don't care, bUT I hate little puzzy hackers that have 0 skill and gotta cheat at a simple game and to prove what...? That they can use someone else's hard work cuz they are too lazy...? Whoever wrote the initial code to make it work... that guy I'll give credit cuz they did the work, but the little pieces of trash too lazy to do anything... they can go die.
Little update
This has been a confirmed cheat that has been brought up to the developers. I wont get into details about how it is done but it is being fixed. This bug has allowed some players to reach king of games in the qualifiers of the wcs. The accounts in question have been banned or altered to reflect the players true rank
Same problem here, happened to me more than 5 times in 1 day
Somehow i'm suspecting the same things too, because it's always happening when i'm just about 1 or 2 steps to win. I'm on a very stable connection, so pretty sure it wasn't purely coincidence.
I think they turn off their connection either turn off Wi-Fi or cellular and then I loose. .me too it's not coincidence.
it happened to me 2 times in a row when i was playing with the same guy... i was about to finish the game then my connection failed

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