
ZW - Unicorn Spear | Deck and Rulings

I definitely think XYZ world is coming.
You mean the XYZ field spell? Dunno what that has to do with this card, but I'm very sure we'll never going to get Union Hangar.

Mainly because Union Hangar is one of the field spells easily abused by Ancient Fairy Dragon, and I don't think Konami will want to hit AFD here in a game where Luna actually exist, so we're simply not going to get Union Hangar instead.
<< Anonymous
<< Anonymous
XYZ as in the monster card type, not X,Y,Z the union monster lineup. Too many people don’t know this smh
<< Anonymous
But XYZ are the Union monsters.
<< Anonymous
So I don't know why you said that's a monster type.


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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
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