But why Needle Sunfish when Canadia and Hallucigenia are both much better than it?
And how the hell that deck is supposed to get Five-Headed Dragon to the Graveyard? Is that random Tackle Crusader and Needle Sunfish supposed to be 1 Cyberdark Claw and 1 Cyberdark Keel or something?
I mean, without Keel, there's no way to summon that Cyberdark Dragon in the extra deck....
And how the heck it even gets the fusions out consistently with just 1 Future Fusion? Are there missing cards or something?
Because I just can't see how the deck is even usable in that state.
I think that the Future Fusion is just for Panzer Dragon, and not fusing any Cyberdark fusions or FHD. Also, his point is not for fusing, but just milling those useful dragons into the GY, such as Lengling. Thus thinning the deck so he can draw what he want. Needle Sunfish is used because it can be dumped by Cyberdark Cannon's effect when attack, so it will be easier to access than Canadia.