
Mechanicalchaser | Deck and Rulings

Blazing Inpanchi is UR with same ATK... while this card is only R.. but this card has higher defense plus a DARK and machine support...
blazing impachi came out 4 months ago and this card came out today lol
bruh gagagigo came earlier
its not about who came first... its about their rarity... plus all cards released and will release are already in TCG/OCG
<< Anonymous
Who the 🔥 care about tcg/ocg? DIZ IZ DEWL LENKS
<< Anonymous
it is absolutely about what came first lol. power creep in inevitable, vanilla beaters are obviously going to get stronger as time goes on, as seen with literally every vanilla beater. just because axe raider was UR back in the first box doesn't mean there should still be a 1700 vanilla beater UR in every box


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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