
Draining Shield | Decks and Ruling

Wtf card with R rarity?!
Because this card is overrated, it negates an attack but doesn't put the monster on defense position and that is the main reason Enemy Controller/Etaqua are good. LP is an almost meaningless resource in this game. Aside from Demotion decks, no deck is going to bother with this.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Yeah LP is so meaningless that we have 4000 lp and when that drop to 0 we lost, because is meaningless,k.
<< Anonymous
LP is meaningless unless your deck depends on it to build advantage, i.e., the already named Demotion deck. A player can win the same having 1 LP left than having 4000 lp left. I would rather put my opponent monster on defense position if I'm going to use an attack negation card, because thanks to the way the game works, most of the high attack beaters have 🔥ty defense.
LP won't be meaningless for Psychic decks. Also, this could be good for a Cyber Stein deck combo.
<< Anonymous
I specifically said that LP was meaningless on decks except those that used it as a resource, I used Demotion as an example to not include Psychics and others, what's with you people, can't you read?
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Your Name(Option)
You forgot the farm decks. They don't use LP as a resource, but they would rather use this card then econ. A attack negate and more LP. Making them WAY safer to use. But Yeah... I guess it still uses LP as a way to get an advantage so what you said in your second post is still true. Third post is incorrect tho.
<< Anonymous(Your Name(Option))
Your Name(Option)
And by them I mean the farm decks.
<< Anonymous(Your Name(Option))
I thought Edgegar and Edgar were the same? So there really is a troll edgar, and edgegar is just an impostor?
<< Anonymous
Your Name(Option)
Edgar has been edgy on quite a few comments on this site so i think someone decided to write their name as "Edgegar" as a way of making fun of it or bring attention to it. It could also be Edgar himself choosing to post with the name Edgegar to get more attention, but we will never know the truth in that matter.
<< Anonymous(Your Name(Option))
Despite Edgar's rudeness he does make some good points (albeit in a dickish way)however econ and etaqua are fairly hard to get so this card is a decent substitute. Such a shame about Edgar though he really could be helpful if he didn't act so condescending.
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
Look who's talking.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Edgar81539,just wanted to let you know that there is a space between a comma and the next word. try to stay awake next time you go to your remedial english class
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Love thy burn
No you did not specifically say that LP was meaningless except for those decks that use it for a resource. You specie said "LP is almost a meaningless resource in this game".....that's NOT the same thing dude.
<< Anonymous(Love thy burn)
LP is meaningless resource you say edgar? *sigh* so much for fire princess,twister,wall of revealing light,instant fusion and other such cards then.
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
LP is meaning less......I is wish someone would just come and make mine 0 already.......
<< Anonymous
Imma use 3 abyssal desginators in one turn and crash my skull servant into a blue eyes cos ya know lp is meaningless right edgar?right?please tell I'm right
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
lp is meaningless lol
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
I posted using only one name you dingbat.Stop being an arrogant elitist and I'll stop making fun of you
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
you can make fun of him if you want to but he's right lol
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
I wonder in which comment I was an elitist? You poor thing. But hey, go ahead. If LP is so important I wonder why people don't autoinclude 3 copies of Dian Keto, since you guys seem to think that LP matters so much I bet you run them instead of things like SRH or Enemy Controller.
so funny people debated over a card because one said it's useful and others said it's not. this card has its use, and also it has limitation (if it has no limitation it should be banned) and not good for some condition. sometimes high lp is an advantage, sometimes it is not. it's that simple.
<< Anonymous
ya debates usually start because differing opinions lol
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Cards like dian keto (and to an extent this card) are kind of pointless since they don't provide advantage so,however lp is still important for cards that use it as a cost.The whole "can't you people read part" makes you come across as a 🔥 I can provide examples from other pages if you like though
<< Anonymous
I don't doubt he is right however as love thy burn pointed out it would be appear made some sort of error when choosing his words which I decided to take advantage of. Nothing wrong with having a bit of fun
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
so what ur saying is that lp is basically worthless
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
Love thy burn
Shout-out to sjp91
<< Anonymous
Someone please just make my lp 0 I can't take it anymore
<< Anonymous(sjp91)
Mystic Quest
Dian Keto!!! THE CURE MASTER!!!!
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Lol there are TONS of arbitrary cards with no particular archetype that either require you to use life points, or directly deal damage to your life points. Your just being snobby and contrarian because you think it's cool when in reality your big 🔥 at yourself for mistakes you've made in life.


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