
Widespread Dud | Decks and Ruling

Great way to brick your opponent if they don't wanna lose their boss monster. Trip this on one of your on monsters and scare them, then tribute the monster next turn and piss them off
you have to remove it tho from play.
<< Anonymous
"Remove from field" is not the same as "banish".

"Banish" is merely a form of "remove from field".

"Destroy" and "tribute" are actually also a form of "remove from field".

(in fact, the entire reason why the term "remove from play" was changed into "banish" was to make it easier to differentiate from "remove from field".....)
<< Anonymous
Hey, that's a Good explanation about the card description
<< Anonymous
Hello does that mean if i activate widespread dud on two opponents monsters & then tribute summon vision hero witch raider by tributing widespread dud that those monsters go to the Gy?
<< Anonymous(Mac)
Sure, if you can somehow change the text on Witch Raider saying "Tribute" into "Destroy".
<< Anonymous(Mac)
To clear things out.

This card's effect will only go off, if either :

1) At least 1 of the 2 monsters bound to it leaves the field (tributed, returned to hand, destroyed etc.)

2) This trap card is destroyed.


Keyword to this card effect is, "when this card is destroyed", only then it's effect will trigger.
<< Anonymous
Thankyou my friend xox


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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