
KC Cup: 2nd Stage [Apr 2020]

I would have possibly played more had I known the reward was on a global basis not a regional basis. I thought top 500 in each region would get 2 prismatic UR tickets, but its top 500 WORLD. damnn :(
Of course top 500 of each region doesn't get you two tickets. That would be far too easy. Konami likes to have players grind for their resources, which is why you have to achieve a higher ranking. They support their top players, which is why you have to be incredibly dedicated, and have skill, to receive the best rewards.


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Why don't you say something? Are you dead too?
It pisses me off when I check out deck recipes for a specific archetype on this site, and they�...
Never mind just tested it out myself and it is after the attack reduction.
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