
39th Main box: Maximum Gustav

Let's share predictions, will any of these deck become meta? share your thoughts
My only prediction is that I will retry my prediction princess ritual deck for fun to see if manju has any impact on it or if it continues to be a brick bag.
<< Anonymous
Duel links history has showed us that decks that looked trash when they first came they became tier decks once more support got released (see blackwings, fortune ladies, karakuri, noble knights, melodius etc) and people went back to old boxes to get the core cards. Also, this box came with a new character, so propably anna kabooms skills may push trains to a tier level.
I'll place my bet on nekroz finally standing on their own instead of being an even more expensive water xyz

I'm not really convinced by metalfoes their fusions are good but the deck doesn't look consistent to me maybe some old card somewhere can make them better
<< Anonymous
Still wondering why none pays attention to demise king of armageddon...
<< Anonymous
Or Ruin, Supreme Queen of Oblivion... just imagine to summon her with djihn demolisher of rituals. Just press surrender.
<< Anonymous
Nekroz still needs clausolas or unicore and extra deck fodders, maybe preparation of rites too
<< Anonymous
Because it'll still be a glass cannon just think on the scenarios: there's no turn 1 so pray you go 2nd.
You need manju, demise or spell, another lvl 4 or higher monster as fodder, unsearchable djinn or backrow removal and an unsearchable atk booster to otk, Demise is a sitting duck you otk or you scoop
My predictions

*Nekroz: good
*Metalfoe: good if used in tandem with box or rabbit
*Box of friends interesting xyz engine. Rhino good BA boost
*Trains: bad, no turn 1, no real searcher, boss monster is just a beat stick with no protection
*Metaphys: bad, slow cards, still a brick house
*Demise: still a meme
<< Anonymous
Yeah, trains won't really do anything. Missing a lot of the good cards.

Metaphys, I think we still don't have Ragnarok? And yet we got Decoy and Horus already.


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