This is the deck I've been using, it's not a top tier farm deck or anything, but it does alright against them.
The single Ragigura is there for use with Level Duplication to get out Wayne and get a bit of recycling, but you can remove it and put in something else if you prefer, just remember to replace the Wayne if you do so, since this is the only way to get out Wayne.
Because the only X-Saber Tuner is Fulhelmknight, you're generally going to only get 2 Synchros per-game. And because most of the deck is level 4, you'll be getting out Level 7s most of the time (unless you use Level Duplication). Hyunlei can come out, but she's only really useful for destroying Infernity Launcher and Infernity Break.
The only way to get out Stardust Dragon with this list is Level Duplication, or pulling off a miracle and getting out Ragigura, Fulhemknight and a level 4. Just use Level Duplication instead.
It's not too strong, but I like it, and it tends to work OK for me.