If Komoney would consider nerfing a UR/SR from the box for the first time, it would be Sea Stealth Attack. Ridiculous effect and cannot be destroyed except by banishing are too much for current meta
Except for the many ways to stop SSA. There is plenty of Backrow removal in the top decks. GB has it, Aliens has it, Counter Burn has it. Right now SaffiCA is the only without a guaranteed out against SSA and don't think that's too much of a problem at this moment.
saffira can't remove backrow? say hello to my little friend Fenghuang, oh wait, people can only copy/paste netdecks and then complain how something is OP.
LOL everyone says this when a powerful card comes out. SSA looks broken, but it's not. All you have to do is adapt your deck to the meta and play cards like Gravelstorm, Spiritualism, etc. if f2p. Always target Umi!
SSA deck just got 1st place in Dkayed's meta weekly tournament. It was too strong that a CA player had to use all the Hymn of Light and MAR to protect his monsters and still lose