Sorry to disappoint people but, from experience I don't think gravekeepers is still as competitive as before. It IS a good deck but not tier 1 anymore. All tier 1 decks are either very fast (hammer shark, naturia), have an unbeatable ace card (toon kingdom) or have MANY ways of gaining momentum (red eyes). This deck has... none of those. It just have some momentum-gaining ability through chief and oracle. That's it
You wanna tell me just when I finally completed the deck after 4 months it's not good anymore? 🔥 Konami. It's one of the hardest decks to obtain and is mid- f2p. Just because of that GK should always be top tier. I hate Naturia
Gk decks are still pretty good just not as good back in the KC days this current one listed still isn't that good 3 chief's is mandatory imo and 2 jesters 0 Leo and 0 priestess they really don't do anything anymore 1700 def isn't good anymore and if you're using power of dark for 1900 you are risking a bricked hand do to lack of restart you just need to play the deck differently that your use to
Tried hammer shark and naturia, tho I have a few missing cards out there, they din't click. Hammer shark so dead when all you drew are those 3-star mons or starboy/yomi ship. Naturia, mehh in appearances department. Going back to my first love, GK <3!