Wall of disruption is op? I would say nah. It might be the catalyst to make decks run spell removal or AMA but money wall is so much more flexible and its pay ability comboes with card abilities and skills. All in all, if spell removals become a big thing, 3 sphere kuribs is probably the answer. Not sure how I feel but I think the synergies you can have with money wall definitely outweighs this card, not to mention it dodges face-down spell and trap removal like sergeant elec cuz it can be activated anytime
Wall of Disruption is trash my boy. People get too caught up in their emotions and say, "This card OP, I need three." What they don't realize is, this trap will get burnt out and nobody will have all their monsters in attack position. Wall of Disruption will eventually die out and get replaced w/ a better card. It's common sense :)
Nothing escapes Anti-magic arrows, not even Mirror wall unless you activate before damage phase and save your opponent some trouble guessing your face downs.
After this box is release i recon there will be more revivals of Anti-magic arrows because there are just so much travesties in opponents' possible face-downs, and after players bang enough walls they will repent and use anti-magic arrows. LOL.
I mean exactly. If AMA gets popular, money wall is just 100% better than this, as it can buy you a turn by activating before battle if you know/think they have AMA. Wall of disrupt just doesnt have that flexibility
ok it's going to be revived for 3 days, people are going to realize that the card is what they thought it was, then it's going to stop existing again. ama was overhyped as 🔥 when it came out, and even now it's overhyped even though the majority think it's 🔥 lol
Well, if you say so. Komaney has given you the option to attack without worrying face-downs, if you decide to spit on that, then don't call for limitations on mirror wall, SRH, ECON, and perhaps wall of disrupt in which you experienced tilting, lost the game, and cry like a baby afterwards.
Yeah.. to do that they will have to change the official ruling irl too.. That is a big thing. Most they can do is semi limit this card, which they won't. Not good for business
you people realize that AMA blocks response right? you can't know if your opponents get AMA in their hand, and when they activate AMA, you can't chain anything includes MW.
Counter: "You can now summon in the battle phase that may help alot towards mitigating the OP effects of wall of disruption" Attack one time to scout then use cards like Mask change/Powerful rebirth/Arrivals also xing zang hu in valkyries rage