It is not as hard to deal with if you use more cards that can shutdown some of the effects or put them facedown from this deck. Use things like floodgate, divine wrath, ultimate providence, canadia etc. Galaxy cyclone and celestial are also really nice.
Cont. WOD is also great if it doesn't get destroyed first because chances are, there will be three monsters attacking at once. The deck is very good, but it does not need a nerf.
It’s not too hard to beat, especially if you disrupt their plays. I’ve beaten vampires with mere “KoG Worthy” decks. I find that cards such as FTH/Paleozoic will cause them to retaliate with a hard rage quit.
Vampire are depend on their players. if the player are smart, they can make an unpredictable move otherwise, this deck is really easy to beat compared to BEWD & Masked Hero
Consistency issue is not uncommon, but definitely not "next to zero" either. I already saw two times where a Vampire deck can only do small move like Setting 1 Familiar at the start of the duel and do nothing else.