
Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast | Decks and Tips

Interesting card if you use Mokuba's skill - Monstermorph Evolution can turn this card into Jinzo - Lord - Monstermorph De-Evolution can turn this card into Jinzo Also since this card is a DARK LV7, Dwarf Star Dragon Planeter is able to search it
Since when was Jinzo - Lord Normal Summonable?
<< Anonymous
Since the person stopped being able to read, apparently.
skill can bypass any summoning restriction. Are you new player?
<< Anonymous
You might want to actually read the skill instead of assuming I'm the idiot in this conversation.
<< Anonymous
Yes, skill can bypass restrictions....except the one particular skill you are talking about, happens to be the one skill that CARES about summoning restriction.
<< Anonymous
Actually, Painful Evolution is literally the only skill that DOES bypass Summoning conditions.

Everything else, like Mokuba's 2 skills, Tyranno's one, etc., all require a Normal Summonable monster.


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That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
Welcome back, Mr. president. May you cause even more chaos than last time.
why you don't let the card obtinable
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