This page needs to be updated. My SilentMagicianLv8 deck is a guaranteed 8000 score. So far ive had 100% winrate with it. Use Restart/Mallet/Reload to get your Lv8 out Turn 1 with level up/LV4 combo. Do not attack at all so he can play either Kazejin or Suigin. Set Skelengel(or crystal seer) whenever possible to speed things up, whether he attacks them or uses soul exchange on it. Use Mooyan Curry to give them 200LP before your final turn to get both NoDamage and ComeBack Victory rewards. You can set important spells to avoid discarding a key card. On your final turn, you need Reliquished, Dark Illusion Ritual, a spare LV4 as tribute, GK Vassal, 2 union attacks, and secret pass. Relinquished his Suigin/Kazejin, play vassal, activate secret pass and activate both union attacks on vassal and then attack directly for over 10k damage. Happy Farming friends.
Horus is also viable but slightly less consistent, due to needing 2 level ups in opening hand and the off chance that you leave a lvl6 on board and he just plays one of his double tribute cards and then double summons out Kazejin or Suigin and then beats it over and you lose a farm. I've tried both and SilentMagician is just far more consistent at farming him.
For piranha deck i like to use 2 martyr and lycanthrope and Fulfillment of the Contract to bring lycanthrope from the graveyard to field for the 2st usage of martyr. 10k easy
Maybe can be used with relinquished in the place of lycanthrope, i never tested.
Isn't that against the gamea rules?
Hey gamea mods, just because they're talking in a different language doesn't mean that they have to right to 🔥 people.