Uh...what? How are you breaking their board going second without Book or Offering? Traps don;t work the turn they're set fivehead. Also topdecking? Onomat is topdeck.dek - they can build their entire deck around 1-card XYZ if the want. You just went up against a bad player or you played it yourself and just suck.
Easy: In their turn I set my gy with dark, in my turn I mill, summon lupine, gets negated but I still get to banish dark since this part is a cost, I add hawk, lvl dup lupine to lvl 6, use hawk to summon roar (starts chain roach can't negate), I xyz into bounzer, banish 2 to summon duo, roach negate but I chain my own bounzer, then I with 2700atk and 2800 atk, bye bye board, they topdeck or lose
For the TD noob player vs Onomat:
That's a negative IQ play
U don't negate lupine in this scenario
Otherwise u gonna lose ur entire board
All u need to do is accept ur roach gonna be dead, nothing else