
13th Card Box: Generation Next

Love how this box's name reference GX.....and yet, 99% of the cards in the box are not from GX era.
Even the cover card for this box is a DM era card lmao
<< Anonymous
Going by release date in the OCG, Arcana Knight Joker is actually a GX card. (It was released within a week of Cybernetic Revolution.)

As for the 99% not being GX thing... While the majority of the stuff here isn't GX-era, it makes up a lot more than 1% of the set. Off the top of my head, I think it's something like 10% of the set.
<< Anonymous
Game on, get your game on!
you better play your cards right!
<< Anonymous
epic song


Comments (updated every hour)

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei has 1000 ATK and 3500 DEF. If you use this card, your monster'...
God rules over heaven Satan rules over hell Trump rules over Earth Trump is basically Jesus ...
Hey tying to get a vagabond to continue the story. 834-546-725
That is @@@ed up even for this site’s standards V
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