looks great on paper, but need 3 effects monsters on the field (two being lvl4 "Y-FI" and "RE" and SK being a lvl5)
basically going -5 for a "boss monster", cannot be special summoned by other means or tribute summoned
you could say "b-but fake explosion protect them!" but you get steamrolled by 3 bewd on the field just for that card to get floodgated
I don't get the B rating, should be B- at best
edit: you COULD make it works with Dark Flattop (level 8 synchro) by sending SKY FIRE to the gy (with raigeki or karma kek) and then solar wind jammer + a lvl3 dark tuner (such as the popular junk synchron)
but then it would rather be an addition to a synchro deck and having a dead card in hand
did you even bothered to read the card
"You can target 1 "Reactor" monster or "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE" in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target, IGNORING its Summoning conditions."
man gamea is full of silvers