
39th Main box: Maximum Gustav

why bother buying expensive card when u can get them for free. thx for playing dead link.
Yugioh pro has been around since 2011 you know? and this game still make tons of money. Reason being it's more of a game with elements of one. Unlike master duel lol, ygopro, edopro, duelling book or other silmulator.
The only reason Master duel is viable is because it's more polished and could play smoothly on every modern gaming platform, not just PC.
<< Anonymous
No way it could ever be beating duel link in profit. Making greedy practice like duel links for more profit and it would instantly flopped as most F2P peeps would just move out to free simulator instead.
So stop compare MD to DL, I have played Master duel and while it's easier to make your first playable deck with the frontload gem. Farming for the next deck is just as long if not longer. And when the side deck come? Oh my that's fck tons more gem to spend on. MD has better free triel period, that's all about it.
<< Anonymous
Of course it make tons of money since the dev force you to spend money by locking OP cards behind paywall
<< Anonymous
Fake. I played MD less than a month and already build 3 decks, there's still 8k gems left too
<< Anonymous
wow, that sounds like a massive playing hours.
<< Anonymous
I also play MD and I have 20 decks already. They're very similar to each other but I have 20 decks for free.
<< Anonymous
404 error
sleep not found
<< Anonymous
So, you have 20 variations of 1 deck. This means you only have 1 deck.
<< Anonymous
These whales can't take the fact that DL is dying because they're already invest so much $$$ on it
<< Anonymous
You can get core of 3 decks in 1 same pack defend on the pack you pull. But to me, complete a deck mean you have all staple, all various specific tech for all variants that deck, not just a core alone.

The starter barely fill that with many lacking aside from the core. People keep saying MD deck are easy to make sure but in reality you don't get much gem after all the preload gem mission areover.
<< Anonymous
So if you focus solely on a deck and various tech for it you may make 1 deck after all the solo mission are over

The next deck would be cheaper because you don't need to repull staple but specific tech card for that deck will still be stepped.
<< Anonymous
Realistically, the gem annual a low in MD, similar to duel links you only get some hundreds gem per pvp session or ~1500 if you use the derank trick. That's it for a month. Nothing more but maybe log reward, event are rare there although it reward lots of gem.
<< Anonymous
MD has a lot of competition unlike duel links. If duel links is dying it would be a huge loss for Konami. They aren't not dump enough to abaddon their money tree or make a competition to out of themselves to beat themselves, unlike some stupid people on this website or reddit keep claiming.

The want master duel to be successbut cutting on a successful game for that is just losing money.
<< Anonymous
And my deck is getting hard especially when your sis holding it
Believe Duel Links ain't dying is like believe Mia Khalifa still virgin
<< Anonymous
Every single F2P game will die eventually.
<< Anonymous
how about every in relationship F2P game?
<< Anonymous
You should also consider the fact that every master duel format online game of Konami flopped badly.

Both this and master duel would go out of business eventually but I don't see master duel being more successful than this game at all.
<< Anonymous
MD is a godsend. Duel links facked me a tons of money but MD I can re-roll a new account every week, and I play ALL decks full power. SOOO GOOD. 0 euro spent. ZERO. 10+ accounts, and still going on. I dont give a sheet. Konami fu
<< Anonymous
Konami is running a business, not a charity, so expect them to patch that out eventually.


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